5 ways to make your mornings less chaotic

Let’s face it: the tone of the morning can seriously make or break your day. If the early hours are chaotic, the rest of the day may be as well. Because of that, I’m sharing 5 tips to incorporate into your morning routine to kick start your day and help you be a happier, more patient, Mama. 

  1. Wake up before your kids 

Don’t hate me for this one! I get it, I do -  this can be really difficult. And sometimes this just isn’t feasible - especially if you have early risers. But if your kiddos wake up at a reasonable hour and yous squeeze in even 15 minutes for yourself, its going to make a difference.  We’ve all been there, waking up to the sound of children whining “I’m hungry!!” or fighting with each other- it is quite possibly one of the worst ways to start your day. So just those simple 15 minutes of quiet, serene time to yourself in your own thoughts can help you feel so much more ahead of your day, rather than running behind from the start. How you spend that time is totally up to you (though may I recommend meditating or journaling?  Check out my list of meditation tips and tricks and journal prompts in my SOULtime Guide HERE)

2. Get “ready”

Now, this can look a bit different for everybody. For some, it may be taking a shower, getting fully dressed, hair, makeup, and out the door. For others, like me, that may mean simply throwing on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. No matter what the case is for you, try to get somewhat dressed. Throw on some clean clothes, brush your teeth, wash your face, do your hair, or even put on makeup, whatever makes you feel “ready,” do that. It’s amazing how much better you’ll feel, or even how much more productive you are in your day if you do this step. 

3. Eat Breakfast/ Drink some coffee

How many times do we forget to nourish ourselves in the hustle and bustle of the mornings, then realize it’s lunch time and we’re just running on coffee and fumes? I’m here to encourage you to try to eat something and drink your coffee BEFORE your kids wake up, or at the very least, while they’re eating. Nourishing your body is just as important as it is for them! And no Mama, I don’t mean eating the cold scraps left on their plates as they run out the door. Make yourself some oatmeal, damnit!

When I need an extra nutrition boost in my day, oftentimes I’ll add a Mixhers packet to a smoothie or even just water! Mixhers is a product made for women, by women. Originally created as a hormone-balancing supplement to support period symptoms Mixhers has now branched out into providing daily supplements for greens, increased libido, and multivitamin. It’s an easy way to get essential vitamins and nutrients daily. Check them out HERE and use AlysonH10 for 10% off your order!

4. Tackle an easy to-do list item

Do you have a list already started in your head as soon as you wake up? Or maybe that nagging chore that you know isn’t that hard, but you’ve been putting it off anyway? Use your morning to cross off just one easy task before the rest of your day, like calling to make a doctor's appointment, or opening that pile of mail that’s been stacking up. And it all can be done while you’re drinking your coffee and/or eating your breakfast. This little sense of accomplishment can be a huge confidence and mood booster for the rest of your day.

5. Do something for YOU

This can be anything! Move your body, practice SOULtime, or even just spend some time in silence. When you take the time to do something for you and just YOU, something very powerful happens… you lose that mom-resentment. We all have it from time to time- the thoughts that creep in of all the things we could be doing if we didn’t have a house full of kids. As crappy as it feels to have those thoughts sometimes, it happens to so many Moms and it doesn’t make you a bad one, I promise! But the beauty of giving yourself consistent time for just you is that the resentment fades, and you in turn feel more fulfilled in your role other than Mom. This actually can then lead to you being able to give more to your kids. You know the saying, you can’t pour from an empty cup! 

*If you’re feeling like you can’t find time in your day to have just a few minutes to yourself, I encourage you to check out my MOM Schedule (More of Me) - I use this exact technique with all of my clients and they all have been able to find valuable free time in their days that they can dedicate toward themselves. 

Important: Don’t feel like you need to do all of these things EVERY morning (at least at first ;) Just try incorporating 1 or 2!  See what feels good, throw out what doesn’t.

Small changes mama!

Alyson Hempsey

Hi, I’m Alyson.

I’m a wellness coach, wife, and mama to Ellie Jane.

I help mamas feel empowered to navigate motherhood without negative self talk, release mom guilt, and reclaim their identity outside of mom so they can thrive in mamahood.

I believe that my clients are #MoreThanAMom — that we can connect to our true selves while simultaneously being a present, loving mother. I’m on a mission to normalize prioritizing moms, because happy moms make happy kids.


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