Pregnancy Update: 3rd trimester
I’m well into my third trimester in this pregnancy, and I seriously cannot believe we will be meeting our little guy so soon. Part of me just feels so damn ready but another part of me feels a little anxious - how will this new baby affect my relationship with Ellie? What if I can’t give her all the love she needs? What if she hates him? What if she ends up hating ME?!?
Okay… a little dramatic on that last one. But regardless, I’m feeling all sorts of ways and I’m anxious and excited to see what this next chapter brings!
This pregnancy vs Ellie’s pregnancy
Before getting pregnant this time, I was well aware that every pregnancy can (and most likely will) be different. And while I’m still having some worries and fears this time around, things do feel a little different. I feel more maternal with this baby, and maybe more connected? With Ellie, everything was obviously brand new, but now that I’m a Mom, my maternal senses are a lot more pronounced. Which, let’s be honest, could very easily make me feel guilty that I didn’t feel that with Ellie, but I’m not letting myself go there. Every baby will be different, and this is just part of it!
This time around, I’m not as anxious about the postpartum period. I’m applying radical acceptance OFTEN, and that’s been helping. I’ve realized that worrying about something that may or may not happen is a waste of time. Prepare, surrender, repeat. Since I know what I’m doing this time around (hopefully), I think a lot of the new mom anxiety will be gone. (Though, let’s be honest - the raw nipples, sore vag, and no sleep will probably still be there.)
Physically, there have definitely been some similarities between my two pregnancies (why do these damn hemorrhoids always haunt me?) I’ve been sleeping pretty well through the night, luckily, which was also the case with Ellie. And, I’m constantly peeing, though I am so constipated. If you listen to my podcast, No Mama Left Behind, you’ll know I dealt with this horribly with Ellie. (Listen HERE for the episode)
The biggest difference between my first pregnancy and this one? I’M SO TIRED ALL THE TIME! It’s crazy. I have to take a nap most days. And not just a 20 minuter, but I take a full 90 minute REM sesh nap. I had a lot of energy with Ellie. To be honest, this time around all I really feel like doing is laying around and eating chips LOL, which makes me feel guilty. Like I “should” be doing something. The exhaustion and lack of motivation to do much is frustrating, so I’m using it as a reason to be even more consistent with my Soultime. I’m trying to give myself lots of grace, but I still beat myself up over not being “productive.” The perfectionist in me is always lurking!
How I’m prepping for postpartum
Physically: Luckily for me, I cohost a podcast with a pelvic floor PT, Dr. Marcy Crouch. I’m taking Dr. Marcy’s Down There Done Right course. It’s helping me prep for labor and delivery, as well as postpartum. I’m also eating a healthy-ish diet (lots of greens, but also treats!), doing a ton of stretching, hip openers, etc, and seeing a chiropractor every two weeks!
Mentally: I have been on Zoloft throughout my pregnancy, so I know that will help when the postpartum tidal wave hits. We also have a plan to not have anyone come stay with us for a month after baby (for various reasons, this is best for us!) I have a therapist on speed dial, and know that I have an entire community of mamas ready to support me via Instagram, which is the BEST feeling.