How to meal prep like a boss (w/ Lauren Venosta)

It’s safe to say that when you become a mom, even small tasks seem overwhelming. The basics of life, (like you know - eating?) become an afterthought.  It doesn’t have to be this way! 

Today, I’m here to share how you can fuel yourself better to feel better. As a Clinical Nutritionist, I know that what you eat directly correlates to how you feel not only physically, but emotionally as well. And as a Personal Chef, I know that no one wants to eat chicken and broccoli everyday. Eating healthy can be enjoyable! (It also doesn’t need to be complicated.

I’m a mom too, so I get that making meals can feel like one more thing on your to-do list. That’s why I’ve embraced meal prep, and I teach other mamas how to make it easy and efficient!  Here are some helpful tips to make feeding yourself and your family a whole lot more simple using meal prep:

1. Start with your pain point first

What is your hardest meal of the day? Meaning, which meal do you usually skip or grab takeout for? This is where you need to start with meal prep. I never recommend jumping into meal prep for every single meal. You’ll burn yourself out quick!

For me, lunches were the kicker. When I became a mom, I would forget to eat lunch, or snack too much, or have some of my partner’s takeout that I really didn’t even want. Now, I always prep healthy lunches for myself - a one-bowl meal that I can easily grab or heat up. It’s my non-negotiable and it SAVES ME. Once you start prepping for your pain point, you’ll realize that your life can run smoother and you can feel more energized in your body. (For meal prep containers, these are my go to )

2. Prep for yourself, plan for your family 

Almost every mom I work with talks to me about their kids or their husband first. They ask me “How can I prep for them?” And my answer is the same every time: “Put on your damn oxygen mask first, mama!” Prep for yourself, and plan for your family. Like tip #1, start with your hardest meal  and  prep that for yourself. Then plan the rest for your family.

In my house this looks like having meal prep in the fridge for my meal ( usually just smoothies and lunches.) Then I have a meal plan written that lays out easy dinners for the week for us that I cook on the fly and meal / snack ideas for my daughter that are like ‘grab and put on a plate’ style. As far as my partner, he is on his own. He’s a grown man! I buy food he likes and he puts together his own breakfast and lunch. That works for us! Don’t feel like you have to do it all for everyone. 

A lot of moms I talk to want to prep for their kids, but how often do kids like something one day and not the next? Meal prepping for littles isn’t super sustainable or worth your time. The next tip below will address what you can do instead.

3. Make snacks accessible to you + your littles

Having a snack drawer or bin in the fridge and one in the pantry is KEY; your little ones can grab and go as they please (if they’re old enough). Come up with a few different snacks each week and rotate them - you’ll never get sick of them! Having a set space to grab snacks when needed is a game changer. The less decisions we have to make as moms, the better!

Here are some ideas that I use for me and my family: 


Washed + cut up fruit 

Applesauce pouches

String cheese

Cottage cheese 

Turkey lunch meat 

Carrot sticks



Beef sticks 

Freeze dried fruit

Trail mix / nut packs

Olive oil popcorn

Skout bars 

We keep it simple here. I also try to prep fridge snacks into single servings or ready to eat portions for ease during the week. Speaking of ease, this brings me to my next point…

4. Choose simple recipes with minimal ingredients

I cannot stress this enough: DO NOT use recipes with a ton of ingredients. You don’t need it, and it’s just making your life harder. In a lot of cookbooks, blogs, and Pinterest posts for “quick and easy recipes” you will find a laundry list of ingredients + multiple pots and pans to use. It ends up being a huge headache!

I take pride in creating recipes for my family and my clients that have minimal, simple ingredients. The cool thing about healthy food? It’s naturally flavorful! If you can highlight the flavors that are naturally there, you don’t need 15 ingredients to make a satisfying meal. (I offer a weekly subscription newsletter that sends you TWO recipes every Saturday morning that are simple, healthy, meal prep friendly, while also using minimal dishes. You can check that out and subscribe at )

5. Look for “low effort helpers” (pre-chopped veggies, microwave rice, chopped garlic/ginger) 

When you are ready to make a recipe, see where you can cut corners to save time and effort. I call these “low effort helpers”. Things like pre-chopped veggies, microwave rice, chopped garlic and ginger. I love Trader Joe’s for these types of items! They have a ton of ways to make healthy eating easier and with less effort. Using minimal ingredient recipes and low effort helpers, most meals can come together in 30 minutes or less.

Reading tips is helpful and a great start, but applying it into your life can be tough. My weekly newsletter is a wonderful place to start if you’re a mama wanting to incorporate healthier eating into your life in a simple way. You can check it out at

You can also connect with me via Instagram @totalbodynourishment or my website 

With joy and health,

Lauren Venosta

Alyson Hempsey

Hi, I’m Alyson.

I’m a wellness coach, wife, and mama to Ellie Jane.

I help mamas feel empowered to navigate motherhood without negative self talk, release mom guilt, and reclaim their identity outside of mom so they can thrive in mamahood.

I believe that my clients are #MoreThanAMom — that we can connect to our true selves while simultaneously being a present, loving mother. I’m on a mission to normalize prioritizing moms, because happy moms make happy kids.

Caffeine without the anxiety? YES PLZ.


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